74 зустріч Microsoft .NET User Group Odesa

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Посилання на ІВЕНТ.

Diving into Large Language Models by Anton Vidishchev

GPT, PaLM, Alpaca, Falcon, Vicuna, Claude or something else? 7b, 70b, or 1.7t parameters? Can I host it locally? There's a lot of questions about these models.

We will discuss the overall architecture, the way they are trained, and overall landscape of the LLMs available in the wild.

You'll have a much better understanding of what to consider for a particular task.

Anton works as a lead architect in Capgemini Engineering. He has over 20 years of experience in software development, mostly specializing in Microsoft technologies and Azure. Lately he is one of the drivers of applying GenAI in Enterprise projects. He is also a passionate conference speaker and one of the organizers of Odesa .NET Community.

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