72 зустріч Microsoft .NET User Group Odesa

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Посилання на ІВЕНТ.

Building an architecture for a modern GenAI Application by Anton Vidishchev

GenAI apps are hyping, but in many cases it is not clear how to combine different best practices to build a proper architecture.

We will look into the architecture of a hackathon-winning project, Quizzilicious.com, and discuss how to put together various must-have practices, such as metaprompting, retrieval-augmented generation, responsible AI, and some others. This includes looking into the infrastructure and project code!

Anton works as a lead architect in Capgemini Engineering. He has over 20 years of experience in software development, mostly specializing in Microsoft technologies and Azure. Lately he is one of the drivers of applying GenAI in Enterprise projects. He is also a passionate conference speaker and one of the organizers of Odesa .NET Community.