77 зустріч Microsoft .NET User Group Odesa

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Посилання на ІВЕНТ.

How to build your CI/CD pipeline properly: 12-Factor App and Effective Branching Strategies.

Optimizing DevOps practices is crucial for delivering high-quality software efficiently. In this session we will explore the integration of CI/CD pipelines with the 12-Factor App methodology and effective branching strategies.

You will learn how these practices can work together to streamline development workflows, enhance application scalability, and ensure reliable deployment processes.

About speaker:

Company: Uitware

Position: CEO

Speaker bio: 

Andriy Bilous is the founder of Uitware, social responsible DevOps consulting company. He has over 15 years of experience working in different IT companies as Developer, DevOps, Team Lead and now CEO.

He believes that DevOps culture, Leadership, Motivation and Responsibilities could boost organization.

Knowledge sharing and Public speaking are few of his favourite hobbies.

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